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OnSpot Insights. Cutting Edge Ideas, Radical thoughts. Get all the best insights around outsourcing straight to your mailbox daily

OnSpot Insights

Cutting Edge Ideas, Radical thoughts

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Updated daily with curated fresh insights across the world of outsourcing, business, entrepreneurship and others.

OnSpot Blog

Daily articles about outsourcing, entrepreneurship, careers and other intuitive insights about business. Periodic case studies are also published designed to inspire and guide you on your startup, entrepreneurship, and outsourcing ventures.

OnSpot Cafe

Our podcast is coming soon! We are brewing inspiring conversations that are guaranteed to bring unfiltered intuitive contents about outsourcing. We will not only be talking about best practices. We will have real hard conversations about the bad practices in the industry too!

Chief of Tribe

Dive deep into the success stories of entrepreneurs, professionals, and individuals that are sure to inspire and ignite the fire in you to become the best version of yourself. Our goal is to deliver the blueprint to business and outsourcing through this channel.

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