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Writer's pictureNur Laminero

Crafting OnSpot’s Ethos from Pages of Wisdom from Silent Mentors

Updated: Oct 12, 2023

I spend 30 minutes to an hour every single day reading a book on top of the other learning materials I consume whether formal or informal. I have read each of the below books at least twice with "Think and Grow Rich" as my most read of all time. I have consumed it probably at least 15 times and I treat it as a text book with an annual review every January.

In the silence of my study, the pages of numerous books have whispered wisdom, insights, and tales of triumphs and tribulations. Each book that found a home on my shelf has, in an unspoken manner, woven itself into the ethos of OnSpot, guiding us through a path where every step resonated with learned wisdom. Each book, in its unique essence, has gently contributed towards weaving a rich creation that is becoming the guiding principles of OnSpot. I'd like to share how these books have influenced our company's Guiding Principles. 📘 Blue Ocean Strategy

The vast, unexplored expanses of the blue ocean became symbolic of untapped potential and innovation, subtly guiding OnSpot towards paths where conventional boundaries dissolved into innovative realms. The concepts learned here have been one of the foundations of our long-term strategy to bring Value Innovation to the market.

📗 Principles

Adhering to Sound, Unwavering Principles: Dalio’s principles became the silent codes that sculpted the decision-making framework at OnSpot, establishing that every choice, every decision, was not merely a selection but a reflection of steadfast, sound principles. We are working very hard to build a system that integrates logic and intuition in decision making as learned from Dalio's Principles. 📘 Steve Jobs - Walter Isaacson

The charismatic resilience and unwavering focus of Jobs became a melody that played every time a challenge sought to derail OnSpot’s journey, reminding us that relentless pursuit often crafts the most profound stories of success. Most importantly, design is not just a mere design. Jobs took design and marketing to another level.

📘 The Zappos Experience

Nurturing a Culture of Unwavering Customer Focus: Zappos not only sold shoes but peddled an unparalleled customer experience. The seamless amalgamation of a motivated team and ecstatic customers becomes a pivotal chapter in OnSpot's principle book, ensuring that our endeavors are always rooted in enriching the customer journey and experience. 📘 The Toyota Way

Ingraining Operational Excellence: Toyota didn’t just manufacture cars; it crafted a methodology that breathed operational finesse. It whispered the vital lesson that every process, every operation within OnSpot, needed to be a symphony of efficiency and continual refinement. This is where we got the inspiration of our Four-Ps system. 📗 Think and Grow Rich

Harnessing the Power of Belief and Persistence: Hill’s writing was less a book and more a philosophical guide, iterating that belief and desire, when welded with unwavering persistence, become the invisible forces propelling towards realization of visions. It became an intrinsic principle, ensuring that every stride at OnSpot was firmly anchored in belief and fueled by persistent pursuit. 📘 360 Degree Leader

Embracing Spherical Leadership: Maxwell elucidated that leadership is not a vertical, but a spherical journey. This wisdom seamlessly wove into OnSpot’s principles, ensuring that leadership became an all-encompassing, 360-degree embodiment, permeating through every layer and every individual in the organization.

📗 Elon Musk - Walter Isaacson

Musk’s audacity to dream and his fearless pursuit of those dreams whispered the potent reminder that boundaries are often just mirages, propelling OnSpot towards audacious visions and fearless pursuits. Our 5-Year vision is indeed ambitious yet inspiring.

📘 The Intelligent Investor

Crafting Intelligent, Strategic Investment Decisions: Graham's wisdom did not just navigate but illuminated the intricate dance of investment and risk, ensuring that every financial stride at OnSpot is meticulously calculated and strategically aligned to our long term vision. 📗 Who Prioritizing the Vitality of “Who”: Smart and Street’s “Who” not only became a question but a pivotal principle, ensuring that every individual joining OnSpot was not merely a member but a harmonious fit, aligning seamlessly with the vision and culture. The learnings from this book became a foundation of how OnSpot hires people.

📘 Maximum Influence Wielding Influence with Empathy and Authenticity: Mortensen’s insights into influence became a guiding light, ensuring that influence at OnSpot was always a gentle, empathetic, and authentic steer towards symbiotic outcomes and relationships. This is where we got the inspiration of the OnSpot Tribe Ambassadors with the ultimate goal of influencing people in the organization to be drivers of our culture through our Core Values.

📘 The Silva Mind Control Method Cultivating Resilient Mental Strength: Silva’s methodologies ensured that mental resilience became a core principle at OnSpot, fostering a culture and mindset that wasn’t merely focused but was also resiliently adaptive and calm amidst storms. We might a aggressive and spirited in pursuing our goals. But we are also aware that for our organization to achieve our vision, we must take quantum leaps. This is where Silva Mind Control comes in.

📘 Traction

Ensuring Every Move is a Progressive Stride: Wickman’s wisdom ensured that every action, every decision taken, propelled OnSpot not merely forward, but towards envisioned, tangible traction, aligning every stride with strategic progression. Traction's Entrepreneurial Operating System has been adapted and implemented by OnSpot right from the beginning. 📘 Executive ESP

It taught us to peer into the often-ignored intuitive realm, ensuring that decisions at OnSpot were a harmonious blend of logical intellect and intuitive foresight.

📘 Way of the Wolf - Jordan Belfort

The potent blend of persuasive communication and ethical sales strategies from Belfort’s journey whispered the essence of crafting interactions that were not just successful but also ethically resonant. OnSpot's Business Development framework was designed around how Belfort taught his team in the past.

📘 The Man Who Solved the Market - Gregory Zuckerman

Simons’s tale subtly wove into our approach towards data and analytics, ensuring that every decision was an embodiment of systematic, data-driven wisdom. This is where the Customer Experience OnSpot PowerApp has taken its inspiration.

📘 The Personal MBA - Josh Kaufman

Pragmatic and applicable business wisdom ensured that theoretical knowledge seamlessly melded with practical application within OnSpot’s journey. Onspot's business plan was designed to be agile. We took the teaching of the Personal MBA to heart.

📘 The Laws of Human Nature - Robert Greene

Navigating through the human intricacies within and outside OnSPot Global, Greene’s insights provided a lens to perceive, understand, and respect the diverse spectrums of human nature, enabling the crafting of interactions that resonated with authentic understanding. Our Talent Principles are designed around human nature.

📗 Facebook - Steven Levy

The evolution of Facebook, with its triumphs and tribulations, became a living testament that every hurdle, every challenge, was merely a stepping stone towards transformative success.

📘 The Intelligent Investor - Benjamin Graham

Sound, strategic investment philosophies ensured that every financial stride was not merely a step but a calculated, intelligent progression.

📘 The Little Book of Valuation - Aswath Damodaran

Ensuring every financial decision was meticulously crafted, grounded in sound, strategic valuation principles.

📘 Do Nothing - Celeste Headlee

Headlee’s emphasis on deliberate pauses has been a gentle permission, a reminder that in the relentless pursuit of objectives, moments of pause are not mere silences but intervals that nurture creativity and strategic recalibration. and strategic recalibration.

📘 Your Next Five Moves - Patrick Bet David

Ensuring that every move, every decision, was not merely a step but a meticulously calculated stride towards envisioned objectives. This book encapsulates everything into a system. Like OnSpot's systems, it is a combination of the best of the best practices from the best people in history. Of course, there are more books in my library that have influenced my way of thinking and beliefs. The above though are some of the books that I treat as manuals.

6 commenti

Membro sconosciuto
21 ott 2023


Mi piace

Membro sconosciuto
21 ott 2023


Mi piace

Membro sconosciuto
21 ott 2023

Hi omer! I’m just asking about our government social benefits that haven’t been remitted We’ve been deducted for 7 months, but it seems like nothing has been remitting I’ve already obtained a clearance, but there’s still no contribution. I’ve asked Ren and Jaja, and they told me to ask Eve, but Eve isn’t responding. We have something called quick payment here where we can make the contributions ourselves, but they’re not responding to our questions. Carmila

Mi piace

Membro sconosciuto
21 ott 2023

Hi omer! I’m just asking about our government social benefits that haven’t been remitted We’ve been deducted for 7 months, but it seems like nothing has been remitting I’ve already obtained a clearance, but there’s still no contribution. I’ve asked Ren and Jaja, and they told me to ask Eve, but Eve isn’t responding. We have something called quick payment here where we can make the contributions ourselves, but they’re not responding to our questions. Carmila

Mi piace

Membro sconosciuto
21 ott 2023

Hi omer! I’m just asking about our government social benefits that haven’t been remitted We’ve been deducted for 7 months, but it seems like nothing has been remitting I’ve already obtained a clearance, but there’s still no contribution. I’ve asked Ren and Jaja, and they told me to ask Eve, but Eve isn’t responding. We have something called quick payment here where we can make the contributions ourselves, but they’re not responding to our questions. Carmila

Mi piace
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